
Congreso de la ACH

Clara Oropeza (Estados Unidos)
In Nora there are many Noras...

In Nora there are many Noras, as I have come to personally know at least three. I was first introduced to Nora the educator in a classroom setting where she was giving a talk on Argentine history and culture to a group of American college students. It was a small group that I was leading on a study abroad in the fall of 1999. In the natural brightness of that classroom, I listened to the layers of knowledge that Nora so naturally imparted. It was clear that to her an education is something to be treasured, not separate from our bodies and that of a collective history. Witnessing the impact that Nora’s imperative work on human rights, testimonios, and personal and collective history had on my students, inspired me to teach her work in my courses; I have ever since.


Then there is the Nora who knows the life of the writer in exile, making her way through and around the world. This Nora arrives and settles herself on distant lands familiar to her. With the acute observation of her writer sensibility, Nora’s quests and explorations are ingrained in poetic prose infused with conviction, and hypothesis about truth, loss, love, and the pursuit of justice.


And there is behind those two, the Argentine, which while also runs through all the other Noras, has its own attributes. While she knows many landscapes well, this is the Nora that returns to Argentina "to search, to ask, to insist." It is her bustling Argentina that she carries in her soul, and that she returns to. It is the Argentine in her that has made her audacious in life.


The gifts that Nora offers the world emanate from her heart and amiable smile, poured over her urgent words. I began by admiring Nora and have come to cherish her. Living and writing with Nora in my literary family is the feminine solidarity for which I had long been yearning.


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