Congreso de la ACH

Luis Torres (Chile-Canadá)
There was the old, abandoned building, so close to the sea. As we entered, the messages of a time past came to us in the language of found objects and shadows: a piece of shattered glass, a copper coin, a needle, a spoon, and the stain of water on the broken walls.

We walked towards the ruins thinking of documentaries, testimonies, and chance encounters, but there was no-one to greet us until the end. No inhabitants, no workers in the wreckage of the old factory. The sounds of the weaving machines rising through the open sky of the place. The ridges projecting lines on the ground, the skeleton of an animal that came from the sea to mourn its own death at the foot of the hill.

The camera was ready, and we started to shoot, trying different angles, looking for traces of the others, forgotten faces. Playing with disorder and symmetry in the eye of the lens. We touched infinity in the window inside another, inside the frame, looking to nowhere. My friend walking up a staircase with no end, without connection, a second floor impossible to reach. Only the open space for the ghost living in there, reaching the limit, ready to start all over again, falling threads of us returning.

After the growing silence of time and destruction, we started to leave, afraid of nostalgia, the miserable feelings, the saddest memories of those no longer living, the ones we left behind in the camps. The sky of winter was falling, the night thief touching the borders, hiding silhouettes in the closing empty doors, in the rubbish of so many years piled up at random.

Then, the miracle: a wandering horse came to greet us at the door, grassing among the remnants, hoofs making a surreal sound on the floor tiles. We did not capture that magic moment. It belongs to friendship and poetry


Copyright © 2023  Luis Torres.  Todos los derechos reservados
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